Hosting Tips with Olivia Muniak
June 22, 2021 by Evermill TeamIf you're anything like us, you couldn't be any more excited to spend these next few summer months in hosting mode. With that in mind, we're looking to Olivia Muniak of La Cura, a hosting and catering company, to give us some of her best tried-and-true tips when it comes to creating gatherings that will be remembered for months to come. Take it away, Olivia!
01: Mind the Decor
Design an interesting table by mixing heirloom pieces with everyday items. I love a vintage wineglass mixed with a classic, short tumbler. And don’t be too precious about it all, these items were designed to be used, loved, and enjoyed at a great dinner.

02: Use A Grill
Coming into the summer, the grill (or a broiler) is your best friend. I love adding a bit of char to vegetables or a head of lettuce with zesty dressing, or even grilling stone fruits with a scoop of mascarpone.
Coming into the summer, the grill (or a broiler) is your best friend. I love adding a bit of char to vegetables or a head of lettuce with zesty dressing, or even grilling stone fruits with a scoop of mascarpone.

03: Mise-en-place, please!
Prep all your ingredients prior to your guests' arrival, clean up the kitchen (empty the dishwasher.) Greet your guests with an aperitivo and relax, because cooking is a breeze when everything is prepped.
Prep all your ingredients prior to your guests' arrival, clean up the kitchen (empty the dishwasher.) Greet your guests with an aperitivo and relax, because cooking is a breeze when everything is prepped.

04: Don't want to DIY?
Look to La Cura: A full-service event and catering company that creates gatherings from grand to small, and everything in between. They cook, coordinate, and design your event. Their entertaining philosophy is simple: good food and great company make for an unforgettable event.