Spot someone in a grocery store looking at a food label, and the puzzled look on their face says it all: The terms can be downright confusing. What’s the difference between “organic” and “natural”? Does “organic” mean “all-natural”? And does an organic designation even matter?
Well, if it’s spices we’re talking about, the answer is a resounding “yes.” While you might think that all spices are organic by default, they most certainly are not. Only spices that do not contain genetically engineered ingredients (GMOs), artificial colors, preservatives, and other synthetic anti-caking agents can be given the label of organic.

Conventionally grown spices, on the other hand, are another story. Many growers use pesticides to keep pests away from their crops, and then there are those pesky anti-caking agents. Chemicals like sodium aluminsilicate, sodium ferrocyanide, calcium silicate, and silicon dioxide are used to ensure that powdered spices don’t clump together when they’re packaged. And here’s a dirty little secret: Producers don’t even have to list those chemicals on their ingredient lists, so you don’t even know what might be in your jar of cumin or cinnamon. And many conventional spices are sterilized with chemicals that don’t show up on the ingredients list, either.

Additives are another culprit of conventional spices: In the case of chili powder, industrial dyes, plant husks or other fillers may be added to give it its signature red hue. And you know the golden glow you see in a turmeric latte? Lead chromate is sometimes added to give the spice that signature vibrant color.
All this to be said, we knew there was a better, more ethical way to deliver the highest quality spices with the highest flavor profile. That's why we work with different farmers around the globe — finding the best of the best to source our spices so that they're grown on land free of synthetic fertilizers, growth regulators, insecticides, or herbicides. So when you reach for a jar of Evermill, you know exactly what’s in it — the spice you’re looking for, not a jar full of chemicals.